FALL 2018

The vision of Rescue Pink is to create an India where a girl's value is respected.
Rescue Pink's goal is to empower the moms of at-risk girls in rural India in a self-sustaining way so that they can rescue their own daughters, value themselves, and keep their family together.
Through rescue, prevention, and awareness the goal of Rescue Pink is achieved.
To ensure the protection of the young girls in our communities, we rescue by creating relationships with the entire family and can step in if they are considering getting rid of their daughter. We work hard to teach the girls important life-skills, english, and instill a positive self-esteem in each of them!
We prevent these hard issues from beginning by offering a supplemental nutrition, family planning and health program for pregnant or lactating women and create communities for them so that they can experience support and encouragement, something that they have never had the opportunity for before. Rescue Pink has also launched an entrepreneurship program to provide the women in these communities business skills, help them create a business plan based on their own talents, assist them in banking options, and give them a loan to establish their businesses. Although less than two years old, this program has launched over 200 entrepreneurs who have all at least doubled their household incomes.
These women now have a voice in their family and can feel pride and value.
Rescue Pink creates awareness programs in order to communicate what long-term negative effects are caused by the centuries of desensitized activity and how the large shortage of girls will continue to worsen in the future without change. The awareness programs were created to bring hope into the villages, warn families of the dangers of trafficking, teach the women and girls about the different forms of abuse and discrimination, and how to overcome it.